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Basic pageReferences ypm_admin02 years 7 months ago
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Basic pageAbout Us ypm_admin05 years 11 months ago
Blog entryBasic Concept of LEAN Methodology aiggroup06 years 10 months ago
G2 entryACWP ypm_admin07 years 4 months ago
BiblioQuality Management for Projects and Programs ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
BiblioProject and Program Risk Management: A Guide to Managing Project Risks and Opportunities (PMBOK Handbooks) ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
BiblioProject planning, scheduling & control : a hands-on guide to bringing projects in on time and on budget ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
BiblioOrganizing Projects for Success (Human Aspects of Project Management) (Human Aspects of Project Management) ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
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BiblioHuman Resource Skills for the Project Manager: The Human Aspects of Project Management ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
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BiblioProject Management a Managerial Approach ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
BiblioA Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
BiblioProject Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling ypm_admin07 years 9 months ago
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